Monday 19 August 2019

Try the Dust Free FIBC Transfer System

The Dust Free FIBC transfer system is a machine well used for filling and discharging of FIBCs and Big bags both. This system is a very different and yet very suitable product mainly used for simple transfer of fine powders and granules and it is proved very safe as well.
Making a Dust Free connection takes seconds and is repeatable time after time. Both the reliability of the product and the experience of the operator are protected during product loading or discharge. Dust Free FIBC Transfer System can considerably assist in complying with the ATEX Directive and removing/reducing effective sources of ignition (know as dust cloud also) created during product transfer. This product is basically very cost effective, and its unique design give benefit of docking & disconnection as well as it ensures a dust tight seal is maintained. This one is surely a proper fit for all the targeted industries and their particular usage requirements.

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