Monday 4 May 2020

X-ray And Optical Inspection Machine usage in Pharmaceutical Industries

X-ray systems can detect broken, faulty and missing items. X-ray inspection systems ensure product safety and integrity for a wide variety of pharmaceutical products at the end of the production line and before being shipped. The SC-V model of the Wipotech -OCS represents the most advanced inspection technology. It combines reliable detection of product impurities by means of the high performance X-ray scanner with additional optical control systems developed in-house at WIPOTEC-OCS. X-ray and inspection machine is not only useful for food industries but another major industry that frequently uses x-ray inspection to great benefit is the pharmaceutical industry.  It also Cover film verification.  X-ray and inspection machine of Wipotech –OCS do verification of best-before date and also checks the Bar Code stickers of the products.
Advantages of X-ray and Inspection
  •        The broadest inspection for maximum productivity and product safety.
  •       X-ray and inspection machine is easy to operate and contains central user interface.
  •     Easy Verification of Missing Products in Sealed Packaging.
  •     It is Cost effective and Savings on Inspection Labor.
  •     Pick out the product which is defaulted and reduce the risk product recalls.
  •   It contains highest hygienic standards.

Why to choose OCS?
          Wipotech is producing innovative and dependable partners for the high performance of the manufacturing of unique products.
          Wipotech is developing a highly flexible X-ray and inspection machine that is reliable and easy to operate by the customers.
          Wipotech has successfully integrated state of the art OEM integration solution into packaging machines.
          All the Wipotech OCS products and integration solutions are developed with higher skill engineers.
          Wipotech - OCS is an ISO certified and authorized one for the conformity evaluation according to module D of the 'Measuring Instruments Directive' (MID, 2014/32/EU).

For more information visit us at Inos Technologies.

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