Tuesday 2 March 2021

Trends of Packaging Industries and Machinery used in it

Pharmaceutical packaging is constantly advancing and in this also medicine is something that always going to be in high demand. As with most other packaged goods, pharmaceuticals need reliable and speedy packaging solutions that deliver a combination of product protection, quality, tamper evidence, patient comfort, and security needs. In the Pharmaceutical industries, three things are more important and that is accessible to the patient, Eco-friendly packaging system and ease of production while packaging.

Trends of pharmaceutical packaging are:

1)      Blister packs or cards: It is a type of preformed plastic used for the packaging of pharmaceutical products.

2)      Glass:  Glass has zero rates of interaction with chemicals in turn there is no change in product strength, aroma, and flavor.

3)      Plastics: Due to plastic packaging the product can be easily preserved, stored, transported, and stored.

4)      Foils:  It is widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries as due to foil there is a complete obstruction to light, oxygen, bacteria and moisture.

5)      Flexible Packaging:  It is a mixture of all materials and non-rigid materials.

 Machinery used in packaging

1) Blister Machine

                                 A compact and multifunctional for packaging industrial-grade blisters of solid products for medium-sized production batches, where flexibility and the simplicity of format changes are required.                  

2) Cartoner Machine

                                        It is one kind of packaging machine that forms the carton machine. It helps in forming many types of packaging like Blisters, bottles, vials, ampoules, tubes, sachets, pouches, medical technology, and cosmetics can be packed and a wide variety of plug-in and adhesive closures, as well as various designs and materials, can be processed.

3)     Track & Trace machine

                         Product in the pharmaceutical industries needs distinctive drug labeling and proof for drug identification where the roles come of track and trace machine comes. It is a very useful and essential machine for the Pharma industries.

4)     X-Ray inspection machine

                         X-ray and optical inspection machines are used for removing impurities from the product. For the accurate and uniform appearance of the product X-ray and optical inspection is very necessary. Here in the product when the high performance of the X-ray the scanner is passed then it will remove the defective pieces from the production.

For more details visit us at Inos Technologies.

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