Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Highly Flexible And Safe Mobile Container Lifters

Lifters that are used and in demand to attain ease, these mobile container lifters are with full power drive. They are highly safe, hygienic, flexible and easy to use. The bin movers are eventually for managing anything that needs a hygienic lift and carry solution. These machines are thus formed in several amounts for both manual and power. Blast proof edition can also be offered for both powder and solvent areas.

There are various features and Design potentials in regards to this product which majorly includes an amazing lifting capacity to 12,000 lbs and lifting height to 15′, it is also Explosion proof for all classes and divisions. It further also has High flexibility and ease in use, such as for containers of any dimension and design, powered drive or manual push, load Cells can be installed into the arm system for weighing operations an extensive safety design for operators and procedures.

For more information visit us today @

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