Monday 22 July 2019

Innovative Solution To Fill Vials, Blisters, Novel drug containers

This next generation powder filling machine is one of the innovative solutions of our times. The best part of this robotics machine is that the device evolution process is supported by changing the tooling smoothly and quickly. This technology gets lot of flexibility to manufacturing end, it is very easily programmed and can operate between several and different functions.
There are other applications for the Robotic Capsule filler which normally involves self-operated gathering and filling of medical devices like inhalers and injectables. Owing to its accommodating nature, this robotic technology proves to be a perfect choice to keep up the R&D activities and also for clinical trials, market testing and as well as manufacturability tests.

This amazing machine holds few Facts and feature that are highlighted below,
  •  Designed for ‘next generation’ powders
  •  Novel, spray-dried, encapsulated, engineered particles
  •  Minimal powder required – 2 to 5 g
  •  Fast changeover – limited change parts
  •  Fully automated and highly flexible
  •  Flexible – Other drug containers possible e.g. vials, blisters, novel drug containers

This technology (Machine) is surely a very useful and important invention for Pharmaceutical industry. 

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